3 Reasons Why We Celebrate First Birthdays (It's mainly for the Smash Cake Photos)


Mommies and Daddies! Let's face it, first birthdays are so special that they become nerve wracking. The pressure to make this day extra special is daunting especially when everyone want's to come see the baby. We feel the need to make sure everything is perfect.

When this feeling takes over, just remember why you are doing it. Here are our top 3 reasons to have a first birthday party.

1. To celebrate our baby's 12 wonderful months. Our camera rolls are filled with photos to capture every moment of growth and cuteness. This particular birthday is the culmination of all those special days!

2. Celebrating mom and dad being able to sleep. Congratulations, at this point, you should at least be getting 4-8 hours of sleep again! HIGH FIVE!

3. Our baby smashing a cake makes for the best photos. Is s/he going to get in there and enjoy the cake? Or is s/he going to be so ick?

Keep your eyes focused on these reasons and it will all fall into place. You will have a wonderful celebration!

Photo Credit: Living Water Lab Photography https://www.livingwaterlab.com/home




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